Monday, July 25, 2011

Rest in Peace Klara

We lost our dear 2 year old german shepherd dog today. She wanted to play ball last night, and collapsed while bringing it back. We brought her in, and all she did was heavy panting. She threw up a few times, and a horrible smell coming from her earlier that evening. We put her on the back porch, after being cooled down in the shower, but I guess that didn't work.

I woke up this morning to a pool of blood from her behind, and I guess I woke up in time for her to let me be with her for the last few moments of her life. It's so heart wrenching to watch someone you've raised from an 8 week old puppy, and 2 years later, their life ends with no warning. Oh precious girl, you will be missed. I'm sorry your life had to come to an end. I just don't know how to put into words of how awful I feel. For all those times I forgot to give you lovings when you wanted it, all the times you wanted to lick my hand, although I never liked you doing so. I hope you get to play with your orange chuck-it ball in heaven with God, Jesus, and Major. Major should lead the way until we all meet again. Every time I see your ball, or your play rope or something, I tear up. You're still at the foot of the bed, and your remains will stay next to Majors.

I love you Klara. Please never forget. I will see you soon someday........

Love, Mama.... <3

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