Friday, July 15, 2011

Another one bites the dust

Well, another chicken down. I might just have to keep those 17 little chicks that we have instead of selling them. That is, if I have to keep culling everyone else! I had to cull a barred rock this morning. She hasn't been looking too "hot", and pale face and just super skinny/slow. Not sure why, but I just saved her the agony and put her down!!! Poor girl, she'll never know what hit her... well it was a broom stick! Lol, that's not funny, and I shouldn't be laughing about it, but really, it's either lose 1 chicken to culling instead of making everyone else sick, or kill the entire flock. Oh jeez... not sure what the hell to do................ On to picking up the watermelon from the yard....

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