Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh the irony....

Well, this morning I went out to vaccinate all the birds, and got to a Buff Orpington. After giving her the vaccination, she began to cough!!! Her face turned purple and just couldn't breathe. So whatever happened, it wasn't going to continue to happen. The moment I watched her cough in pain, I decided that was it. I had to put her down. Better to put her down than to make everyone else sick. Not sure what is up with her.

I left 3 hens in the pen, hoping they lay an egg sometime soon this afternoon. Not sure exactly what is going on with the 2 laying hens, but they need to lay! I've only got 11 eggs from the past 2 weeks! Really? Come on!

Little Twitch, our inside brown leghorn chicken, is doing well. She's still limping around a bit, but will hopefully walk again. I just feel horrible for hurting her! The Jersey Giant that hatched last night is down right adorable! I will have to post a picture of it soon. We are going to try to find a new home for some of the other chicks, as 17 is a little too much, and we have 8 on the way! Yikes! I think we got a little over our heads. Ok, I got in over my head, but hey! The kids love them as do I... they just need to start laying eggs or they're going to get the boot! Haha! Just kidding.

Well, onto other things, and probably to pick up some more poop from little twitch... I've got to learn how to make a little chicken diaper for her if she wants to become an indoor chicken! :o)....


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