Thursday, September 29, 2011

Welcome to the family Little LuLu!!!

Little LuLu arrived while I was at work last night. She is quite the looker! With big dark eyes and cute chipmunk stripping, she's quite a looker if I should say so myself! The other eggs haven't hatched yet, but I'll wait until tomorrow. Sammuel is very excited and wants to look at her every 2 minutes! Lol what a silly little boy. Welcome to the Reese family LuLu!! And yes, I'm sure she's a she, I'm getting the feather sexing down! SUPER SIMPLE!!!!! I'm thinking about trying a photo a week as she gets older....hmmm

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A new one is arriving!

We had a pip today! Sammuel's egg is hatching, and we are hopefully waiting on 4 more to hatch in the next day or so!!!!! HURRAY!!! He was really excited when he got to see the baby chicks beak. It's almost like I'm a proud mommy again!!!

Nu-Nu has a new treat, chicken scratch! It's almost like goat crack. She will climb my leg just to get a pinch! What a goober! She's doing great, and we are thinking about house training her. Maybe......

Picket, my little white rooster is now an ice cream fein! Every time he sees me now he wants to know what I have! What a turd. We finally have 2 LESS roosters, a girl from work bought them, and so it's just a bit of a relief! Thankfully... More to come tomorrow with pictures of a baby chicken.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's been a while!

It's been a while since I've entered in a blog. We've just been so busy as a family, that I've not had enough time!!

Last weekend we got a little Boer goat! We named her Nu-Nu, and weren't sure if we were going to keep her. Well, we are!! She's fantastic. Stays in the yard, follows us around, is curious about everything that we do. She also enjoys the chickens company. As you can tell by the pictures. I think she likes the nesting boxes more than the chickens do!! We lost 1 chicken last week, our only barred rock girl that we had. RIP little girl where ever you may be.

We are in the process of waiting on anywhere from 1-6 chicks hatching in the next day or so, and I'm hoping it's tomorrow! A couple of Americana, Black Copper maran, Cuckoo Maran. Than, a week or so later, we will have a turkey and a few ducks!! I'm very excited about this hatch. We are finally getting things going as well. I have 1 customer already that's asking for my eggs!!! GREAT!!

Josh is working on getting the chicken coop up. We are extending the smaller one we acquired from someone. It will be about 12' long by about 6 feet wide. I'm going to see if we can't find some sand to put in the bottom of it. It might be cheaper than buying some more wood for a floor.  Just some wood for the sides and the top along with a HOPEFULLY metal roof. Than we can continue on from there.

Fall is approaching fast, and we can tell with all the waterfowl. Day by day there are more coming in. Our ducks are still enjoying the lake, but won't be able to have that luxury very long, as hunting season is coming up! We don't want anyone gone. I found one of the female ducks in the nesting boxes today, and I'm hoping that she might think about laying sometime soon. Our little baby reds (and they're not babies any more...) are beginning to think about laying as well.

Not much else is going on in the little Reese Farm. Much to do now!! Dinner is probably burning.... I think I can smell it.... Off to the kitchen than to the workplace!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another sad day

Well, I went out to the coop this morning, and found our youngest buff orpington pullet dead. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but it happened pretty quickly. I'm pretty sure she just got chilled and got kicked to the curb from everyone else. I just hope no one else gets sick in the coop. We've had a couple others get sick, but showed the signs. I guess the fox will be having a good dinner tonight when he finds the chicken carcass. Yes, I know, sad to say, but I do throw the carcasses out into the woods. It is easier, and actually keeps the dogs away from the garbage pit.

We got 3 eggs today though. Two of which came from our Rhode Island Red and one from the buff orpington that is laying! It was quite a shock when I went to let everyone out, and saw that the red jumped back into the box. I hope that production picks up just a bit before the colder months hit. And when we get that chicken coop, maybe that will help out.

I'm not becoming the crazy chicken lady...... yet. Haha, but soon I will be. I've got 20 eggs in the incubator right now. The most we've ever had at one time! I'm very excited about it, and can't wait for everything to start hatching. We've got turkey, duck, quail, americauna, black copper maran, and a couple other types of eggs! Business should be booming by next spring, and than we can start breeding. I'm just happy that my husband has been supporting me this entire time with hatching eggs and dealing with us having to go to the feed store every other week to get feed for chickens. I love you Joshua!!! Well, off to the couch to fold laundry and to hopefully get over this nasty sinus cold...... Blech!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall is coming

Well, fall is on it's way. We have covered up the chicken run to keep some of the wind out. It's still chilly out for the chickens, but hopefully they can hold out until October when we get that chicken coop. We've been pulling in about 2 -3 eggs a day, and had about 2 dozen this past week! It was great! We have sold some to a friend of mine at work, so I hope she enjoys them.

I just got some new hatching eggs for this month! Duck, quail, chicken and turkey! I'm super excited to start raising other fowl here. We might be a little over run for a while, but we will make do. Some of the chickens are sick, again, but I'm hoping we can beat it this time!! I caught it before they could get worse, so let's hope all ends well.

There has been a lot going on, but not a lot to tell. I'm going to be doing a craft show with a friend in November, but that's only if I can start getting things made. Between work and being so exhausted, I'm not sure if I can do it or not.... off to work again.....