Thursday, August 4, 2011

Super irritated day....

Today is not the day to mess with momma. I am very irritated today. The boys won't listen to anything anyone says. They keep messing around while eating lunch. Sam is on this kick where you tell him to do something he says no, and gives you a little evil smile. UGH!

Anyway, back to my little chicken adventure. Henny our little cochin has begun laying eggs again. Just little things, but boy do they taste swell! Our oldest RIR, I'm not sure what is up with her. She's just not laying. But we should have a buff orpington laying pretty soon. Just need her to do the chicken squat.

I've got 2 eggs STILL in the incubator. They have been in there for 27 days now, and have not hatched yet. I've been told it was probably an issue with the heating when I first put them in, so I hope they don't delay too long. They are still moving around in the egg, so I guess I'll see. I'll let them go until at least the 35th day, than out they will go if they don't hatch by than. I sure hope they do.

Our little Jersey Giant is getting bigger and friendlier by the day. He does really well when you pick him up. His name, of course, Cheese. Yeah, we really didn't name him, the kids did. Haha.

Klara is finally back from cremation, and hopefully we can pick her up tomorrow. I'm so ready to have her home. Her place is here, not behind a desk waiting for us to come pick her up. I sure hope that she is enjoying her time on the rainbow bridge. It was really hard for me to watch her have a dying stroke, but than again, life is a cycle. There was a reason for it. She had her time here with us and taught Sarah what she should know about being a good dog. And Jack sure does miss her. I can tell it in his face. He will only sleep and lie down most of the day.... poor boy. She was pretty much his mommy when we first got him. He slept with her up until he was about 6 months old in her kennel..... RIP dear Klara. I miss you baby.


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