Monday, January 30, 2012

I smell trouble...

Well, we've had a pretty mild couple of days. We had to install an alarm system on the boys' bedroom. Why you may ask us..? Well, let's just say Sam woke up for what I guess was a midnight snack around 11:00pm on Friday night. I got up to go to the restroom, and well, there's Sam, crouched in the refrigerator and has a bottle of ranch dressing.... Lord knows if he ate/drank any of it!! Than, as I turn the corner, the lazy susan (which is VERY hard to open at times), is wide open. Flour strewn all over the place, potato chip "fries" are all over the floor, large pasta shells and cereal, THE WORKS. Oh man, the look on that child's face!!

You may be asking yourself why did she title this, "I smell trouble"? Well, the alarm on the door went off last night, proving Sam was going to get out of bed to get his 'midnight' snack. Well, as I got up to put him back to bed, I smelled something.... odd, and sour. I thought to myself, "That's strange... I really can't smell anything with taking the medication that has lowered my immune system now I can't breath, but why is that BURNING my nose!?" Well, low and behold, I looked outside on the side porch to the coop (which is screened in, and the coop sits right out the side porch), and low and behold, there is a SKUNK trying to figure his/her way into the coop! Really?! I guess the alarm to Sam's room must have scared the stink out of him/her!! I never want to smell something that strong again!

I went out to check on everyone and do my morning chores, and there they were, little footprints. Of course I didn't have my camera/cell phone on me, so I didn't get a chance to get a picture of the prints. But sure enough, there were scratch marks on the door!! Thank goodness for a guillotine door and another door with a piece of wood over it! Who know what we could have lost last night!

If you haven't checked our Facebook lately, we added pictures of the family. Sam is of course the ornery looking one! Well, this has been quite a day. I will give everyone an update on Wednesday about the eggs... They are doing FANTASTIC!! I still want that candler.... maybe I'll ask for one for Valentine's day... Hmmmm.....

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