Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Incubation time!!

Well, the little goose eggs I put into the incubator the end of December decided not to hatch. It's a shame, but you win some and you lose some, especially when it comes to mother nature. However, I am putting in some new eggs to incubate! Some of our own, not shipped. I'm wanting to try about 6-9 eggs (ok, that really does depend on the amount of eggs I get today), and seeing what the chicks will look like! I'll put them in today, so 3 weeks from now, I'll hopefully have a posting about new baby chicks! This should work out great.

We just opened up a new Facebook page, called Picket's Ponderings. Yep, that's right!! It's named after our beautiful white rooster, Picket. I will have all kinds of give aways with the grand opening on Friday the 20th. It will be a random drawing, so keep an eye out! You might be the one to win the prize!

Well, I'm off to collect some more eggs for the incubator!! I'll take some candling pictures next Wednesday, so that we can all see how they are developing! We should have a fantastic outlook with this hatch!!! LET'S INCUBATE!!!


  1. Hey there! It's Jessy from Facebook stopping by! I added you to MY BLOG so I can see when new posts come along and am following.

    So sorry about the eggs. The same thing happened to us twice! We think it could've been low humidity levels as we didn't monitor them carefully. But last spring we tried again, watching temperatures and humidity CLOSELY...and guess what? Almost 100% hatch rate! (We had one chick struggle to hatch and die soon after we helped. Something was "wrong" with it though.) Try again! You never know!

  2. Thanks so much Jessy! I monitored close, but I think the humidity was off quite a bit. But the chicken eggs will be good to go! Than it's off to the Barn auction!!! Hurray!
