Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Eagle

We have finally found out where our chickens are going. We've had two disappear in the past two and a half months....

Josh let our dog, Sarah, outside, and followed right behind her. She rounded the corner of the house where the coop sits. As he walked around the corner, he spotted the Eagle sitting on a naked tree, eye balling our chickens. Well, we now know where our BJG, Cheese, went last week. Darn Eagle!! If it's not our beagle, Jack, it's the eagle.

Anywho, we moved our black australorp girls to the coop where all the other chickens are. They have been in the same pen with the muscovy ducks. Henry and George (the drakes) and the 3 muscovy hens. Henry is a very special duck. When he was about 5 months old, Josh said, "Let's see if he can't fly!" He threw him up in the air, and low and behold, the darn duck can't fly... yet. Well, it seemed after that, Henry, our very sweet drake, decided to not be so sweet afterwards and decided that it was high time he learned to fly! No more than a couple weeks later, Henry was flying down to the lake with George and the girls. George, on the other hand, has always been very rude! His rudeness as rubbed off on the girls. When we got the black australorps, they came with a rooster (oh joy, I thought, more roosters.....). Well, this rooster was in the pen with the ducks for maybe 2 weeks when George decided that he was going to attack the rooster and pretty much smash him. The rooster is in quarantine right now with feather and weight loss. Unfortunately he didn't make it. He became blind and absolutely underweight. We think he got frost bite as well, from how cold it was and the drakes not allowing him into the nesting house. It sounds mean to say, but I really didn't need him in the first place... We have 4 roosters already....

Tonight we are going to have Chicken Marsala for dinner! Sounds fantastic! I've only made it one time homemade, but I'm hoping this next time it turns out a little better.... We have also put up our first item for sale on EBay!! I am VERY excited about this, although it has turned out very hard to find it on the website..... We shall see how it goes!! Just do a search for "Little Chicken" and select buy it now! You will see one of our little rhode island reds!! Well, on to doing the daily chores. I'm hoping George is going to behave himself today!

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