Friday, February 3, 2012

It's FRIDAY!!!

Let's start something new for Fridays on our blog. Let's call it Fun Friday: Funny things the chickens did this week, or share funny pictures of the chickens or just funny things in general (i.e the kids (not the goats, but those are welcome too), the husband, the wife, the dog anything!! Well, I'll start us off.

Last night, I went out into the coop to count chickens after Easton had locked them up. Well, we are missing 1 black australorp, not sure where she could have disappeared to...... ANYWHO, as I was searching the coop for her, I shined my flashlight to the perches. Well, I look over and my RIR/Mix leans ALLLLL the way down and stares at me. She was the only one who did it. It scared the crap out of me as well as
made me giggle. Just to see her sloooooowwwwwly bend down to take a peek at what I was doing was enough to make me laugh. It was almost like, "Ok, you disturbed my beauty sleep, um, do you mind?" Hahaha!

I usually don't give scratch to the chickens, but lately I've been tossing some out. Well, as soon as I opened the door to the covered side porch, SQUEEEEAAAAKKKK, they ALL came rushing over. It was a blur of feathers and combs. I don't know if I remember ever seeing a creature or animal move THAT fast just to get some grain. It seemed like a couple of the roosters, including Mr. Picket himself, were going to flog me. They all jumped up on the porch and waited for the grain to rain down.

As for the eggs in the incubator, they are doing great!! I'm not sure if the EE egg will hatch, it's not looking too promising, but there are plenty more that I'm sure I can hatch.

Now, for the chicken picture:

Have a GREAT Friday everyone. Stay safe and keep the chickens in line!! See you all next week!! We will let you know what happens this weekend. Maybe josh can help me build a bigger run for the chickens....?


  1. You need a Fun Friday linky button! LOL

    This afternoon we let the chickens out into the SNOW and ICE covered yard and driveway to stretch their legs. They headed right for the opened garage, but eventually made their way to our sunroom outside the front door. (They don't care for the snow and ice.) After a few minutes we heard PECKING at the front door. My husband opened the door and in walked a couple chickens! LOL

  2. I havent figured out how to do that yet. Still learning the whole blog thing. Maybe you could help! That is hilarious! Before our jersey giant was an eagle snack, she would do the same thing! Sure do miss her! Lucy, our other easter egger I call her the road runner! Ive never seen a chicken run that quick!
