Friday, January 27, 2012

And the winner of the decal is...

TRACEY MERCHANT!!! Congratulations!! If you want to email us your address, we will get this out to you next week: . On my way to the post office right now to send out our last 2 giveaways. I've had quite a week with Sammuel, our 2 year old.

We got 9 eggs yesterday, meaning EVERYONE laid an egg! WOO!!

Despite all the rain yesterday, we had quite a scare with Sammuel. I went out to gather the afternoon eggs, and everything seemed fine. Sammuel was taking a nap, I came back in to draw myself a warm bath, and sat in there for a little bit. Well, about 10 minutes later, I heard a loud voice. I thought my oldest son, Easton, had turned up the TV. Well, he didn't. I heard a loud voice say "Hello!!!" Than, "Go see if you can find your mommy or whom ever is home." GREAT, I thought to myself... Easton opened the door to a stranger, just what I need. So I got myself together and went to the front door, and here is this strange man with a wet child in his arms, dressed in yellow. I initially thought, that's strange, is this guy broken down and looking for a phone to call someone?? As he walked closer, I noticed it was Sammuel!! He was dripping wet! What scared me the most, was what the man told me...

"Ma'am, I found her (him, but Sam has long hair, he's excused, he did save my child however...) in the ditch down by the road (we live by a highway... and no one knows how to drive the speed limit)." I'll tell you this much, my heart has never skipped a beat that quickly as it did yesterday. He was cold, wet (ok, DRIPPING) and super muddy. I brought him to the bathroom, where my warm bath was still nice and warm, put him in and washed him off. After that, we got some snuggly pajamas on him and I went to check how he got outside. No doors were left open or anything. So as I walked into his room, the window was wide open and the screen torn out, dinosaurs on the ground by the chicken coop. There under his window was our milking table... yeah, he climbed out of the window, looked like he played with his dinosaurs a bit, and eventually made it to the ditch, and I guess laid down!

Oh Sammuel, one of these days... I don't know what I'm going to do with you! Let's just say we had to put screw where the window goes up and down at.... I HATE these windows anyways....

Off to collect eggs.... and hopefully no more little boys....

1 comment:

  1. Glad Sammuel made it home ok! My stepdaughter did the same thing to her parents when she was two-ish. They woke up in the morning, front door was open, and she was gone. They didn't know if she had been kidnapped or what. In a panic they ran out of the house, and she was down the street in her pajamas playing with another kid on some big wheels. I need to remind her of that story now that she's 30 and has two babies of her own!
