Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall is coming

Well, fall is on it's way. We have covered up the chicken run to keep some of the wind out. It's still chilly out for the chickens, but hopefully they can hold out until October when we get that chicken coop. We've been pulling in about 2 -3 eggs a day, and had about 2 dozen this past week! It was great! We have sold some to a friend of mine at work, so I hope she enjoys them.

I just got some new hatching eggs for this month! Duck, quail, chicken and turkey! I'm super excited to start raising other fowl here. We might be a little over run for a while, but we will make do. Some of the chickens are sick, again, but I'm hoping we can beat it this time!! I caught it before they could get worse, so let's hope all ends well.

There has been a lot going on, but not a lot to tell. I'm going to be doing a craft show with a friend in November, but that's only if I can start getting things made. Between work and being so exhausted, I'm not sure if I can do it or not.... off to work again.....

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