Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another sad day

Well, I went out to the coop this morning, and found our youngest buff orpington pullet dead. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but it happened pretty quickly. I'm pretty sure she just got chilled and got kicked to the curb from everyone else. I just hope no one else gets sick in the coop. We've had a couple others get sick, but showed the signs. I guess the fox will be having a good dinner tonight when he finds the chicken carcass. Yes, I know, sad to say, but I do throw the carcasses out into the woods. It is easier, and actually keeps the dogs away from the garbage pit.

We got 3 eggs today though. Two of which came from our Rhode Island Red and one from the buff orpington that is laying! It was quite a shock when I went to let everyone out, and saw that the red jumped back into the box. I hope that production picks up just a bit before the colder months hit. And when we get that chicken coop, maybe that will help out.

I'm not becoming the crazy chicken lady...... yet. Haha, but soon I will be. I've got 20 eggs in the incubator right now. The most we've ever had at one time! I'm very excited about it, and can't wait for everything to start hatching. We've got turkey, duck, quail, americauna, black copper maran, and a couple other types of eggs! Business should be booming by next spring, and than we can start breeding. I'm just happy that my husband has been supporting me this entire time with hatching eggs and dealing with us having to go to the feed store every other week to get feed for chickens. I love you Joshua!!! Well, off to the couch to fold laundry and to hopefully get over this nasty sinus cold...... Blech!


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